Chandigarh to Shimla Distance

Chandigarh to Shimla Distance: The Review


This article is a review of the long-distance travel between Chandigarh to Shimla Distance. It explains that the distance between these two cities is approximately 350 kilometers (217 miles) and estimates that it will take approximately 11 hours to complete the journey.

What is the Chandigarh to Shimla Distance?

The Chandigarh to Shimla Distance is 248 km. The journey will take around 6 hours.

If you are travelling by road, the journey will be a smooth one as the Chandigarh to Shimla National Highway-2 is in good condition. However, the journey can be quite tedious if you are travelling by train as there are several railway crossings on the way.

In fact, Shimla Railway Station is located at an altitude of 1,407 meter’s and is therefore not an easy place to reach by train.

How Long Is the Chandigarh to Shimla Distance?

If you are looking for a great way to get out and explore some of the most beautiful parts of India, then a trip to Shimla is definitely an option. The city is located in the state of Himachal Pradesh, and while it may not be the most centrally located city in the country, it’s worth exploring nonetheless.

So how long is the trip from Chandigarh to Shimla? Well, depending on your route and mode of transportation, the journey can take anywhere from around six hours to nine hours. However, if you opt for a train ride, the trip will take just over four hours.


The Chandigarh to Shimla Distance by Air

The Chandigarh to Shimla distance by air is a little over 1500 kilometers. A direct flight from Chandigarh to Shimla takes around 18 hours. However, there are numerous flights that route through various airports in between the two destinations. The approximate cost of flying between Chandigarh and Shimla is around Rs. 36,000.

The best time to fly between these two cities is during the winter season, when the weather is good and there are fewer flights. However, even during the summer months, flights are available if you make a reservation well in advance. The worst time to travel between Chandigarh and Shimla is during the monsoon season when rain can cause delays or cancellations in flights.

Best Routes for the Chandigarh to Shimla Distance

If you’re looking for a fulfilling journey, you’ll want to consider travelling to Shimla from Chandigarh. Shimla is an amazing destination with plenty to see and do, and its proximity to Chandigarh makes it an ideal stop on your way to or from the Himalayas.

Here are some of the best routes for travelling between these two cities and yard:

1. Flight: The quickest and most comfortable option is flying between these cities. Air India operates regular flights between Chandigarh and Shimla, and the flight time is typically around two hours. There are also a few direct flights available throughout the year, making it easier to get to your destination without having to connect in another city.

2. Train: If you want a more authentic travel experience, opting for a train route may be a good option for you. The journey between Chandigarh and Shimla takes around five days and can be enjoyed by travelling on traditional trains that offer breathtaking views of the countryside. However, this route is not always convenient, as it can be quite slow and inconvenient at times.

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